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Turtle Rabbit physical_therapy_and_wellness INTEGRATIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY AND WELLNESS

Arthritis Pain: Is it a catch 22?

Arthritic pain can be painful and prevent you from living your life. Arthritic pain is common in low back, shoulders, and knees. It can prevent people from walking, getting around the house, and driving.

This kind of pain is really a catch 22. When you have it, you don’t want to move. The more you don’t move the more stiff and arthritic your joints get, the more the pain gets worse.

Arthritis is a manageable condition, but requires patience and perseverance. After all you didn’t develop it overnight, so it will take time to unwind some of the damage.  The best advice is to walk.  Walk in the house, the hallways, or some blocks around the neighborhood. But just walk. It doesn’t have to be fast and it doesn’t have to be for an hour.

It can be as simple as starting with a 10 min. walk and increasing every 2 weeks by 5 min. The secret is to do it consistently.

The arthritis is not going to give you a break, so you don’t give it a break. Soon you will feel better, move better, and have more control over your health and well being.

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