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Turtle Rabbit physical_therapy_and_wellness INTEGRATIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY AND WELLNESS

Health Tip of the Month: The Science of Laughter

When you laugh, you feel better. You feel less stressed and there is less tension in the body.

This is not something that you just feel in your head, there is science behind it. Let’s talk about the physiological reaction that happens.

Stress stimulates the body to release the hormones cortisol and epinephrine. As a result, you feel tense and your muscles feel tense usually in the neck and shoulders.  Your body also has a natural way to counteract this.

Laughter creates a physiological reaction that immediately drops the cortisol and epinephrine levels while causing the release of substances called endorphins. Endorphins make us feel good. They relieve physical pain and generate a feeling of pleasure.

Basically, in a matter of seconds you can transition from feeling completely overwhelmed and frustrated to feeling happiness and relief. Now that’s a powerful health tip to follow.

See we think of medicine only coming in the form of a pill, but our body has all types of mechanism that are created by Mother nature to serve us. That’s why we believe, Laughter is the best medicine.

You control it. It’s natural. And it’s fast acting and instant.

Our Health Tip of the Month is Laughter. To create an opportunity to laugh, we are giving away two tickets to a local comedy show. It’s funny. It’s about life. And most importantly, it will make you laugh and enjoy life more.

The show is on Sat. March 15th 8pm in downtown. More info on the show at: http://www.rajivsatyal.com/see/no-mans-land/

Enter by Thursday March 13th by 2pm. Enter your info below, it takes 10 seconds. Good luck! 🙂



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